Thursday, March 02, 2006


Dhimmitude-- Catch The Fever

From Ace of Spades.

Important institutions which supposedly protect our right to free speech, and to protest, and to -- yes! -- offend the sensibilities of those of various beliefs and religions, have cravenly caved to the coercion of Muslim extremists and their supposedly "moderate" leadership and lobbying groups which, while weakly denouncing violence and extremism, nevertheless claim that the Muslim faith should be the one faith in all of the free Western world protected from any insult or offense.

In Muslim lands, all faiths apart from Islam face the official government status of "dhimmitude," or second-class status. There are restrictions on how tall churches may be, how big they may be, when they can operate and the like. Or even how many may be present in an area.
And of course in Muslim lands the Christian -- and especially the Jewish -- faith may be maligned and slandered in the crudest and most vicious of manners.
But in Muslim lands, Islam cannot be offended or insulted. The punishment is quite frequently severe.
Thus, a two-tier system exists: one special privileged position for the Musilm faith, a much lesser status for all other faiths.
In America in 2006, the same two-tier system is now firmly in place.
The government did not directly impose this dhimmitude on America. Rather, the institutions normally most zealous about defending the right to offend have imposed it on us. Instead of standing up to coercion, they gave in to it. They appeased.

They, effectively, accepted Sharia law as regards this issue, and imposed in on the rest of us, through the banning of giving offense to Islam in virtually all of our media.

There is only one permissible take on Islam-- complete respect for it, and abdication to its most zealous believers' rather prickly sensibilities.
Such is America in March, 2006. Those who would scream the loudest if a Christian organiation attempted to suppress their right to offend Christianity have become dhimmis of the transnational Islamist caliphate. There is one strict, "respect"-demanding rule for Allah's faith and very different rule for all other faiths.

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